Math Crazy

Let us help you finish strong and pass your finals!

Why choose Math Crazy?

Hours of Instruction

Regular Hours

Holiday Hours

Call Patricia at (559) 439-6700 for more information and sign up now.

726 West Barstow #116

(Corner of Palm and Barstow)

tutoring Policies

group tutoring

Starting in the new year, we will be offering group tutoring for up to 5 students in grades 6th-9th.

Math Crazy Testimonials

We build confidence.  We teach with patience.  Learning should be fun! 

Math Crazy's service dog Molly

Molly is back just in time to help with end of the semester stress!

Where are they Now?

If you were ever a tutor or a student at Math Crazy, we would love to hear what you are up to now. Please let Patricia know at (559)439-6700 or